Selasa, 02 April 2013

English Business 2

Nama  : Chalida Fathia
NPM    : 21210546
Kelas   : 3EB06
1.     Habit (noun)                          : thing that you do often and almost without thinking
Inhabit (verb)                       : live in particular place
When we put ‘in’ in the word ‘habit’ the meaning of the habit is change

2.    Road (noun)                           : hard surface built for vehicles to travel
Inroad (noun)                                    : something that achieved

3.    Famous (adjective)               : known about by many people
Infamous (adjective)                       : well known for being bad or evil

4.    Fancy (noun)                          : something that you imagine
Infancy (noun)                      : state or period of being young child

5.    Tolerant (adjective)                        : able to accept what other people say or do even if you
  disagree with it
Intolerant(adjective)           : not willing to accept ideas

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